The Rock Suit lets Mario bash through boulders and easily damage tough foes. The Spin Drill grants players the ability to burrow through the ground, and is useful for quickly travelling to the other side of a planet. For instance, the Cloud Suit allows players to create temporal clouds for Mario to traverse, helpful for crossing large gaps.
Aside from the simple game mechanics of running and jumping, Mario can perform numerous other maneuvers depending on which "power-up" he receives, and memorizing how to use such items is just as important as remembering when to use them. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, there are a variety of button commands for players to memorize, which must be recalled and issued at a moments notice. Recalling and retaining information in her mind while working. Mario - Super Mario Galaxy Enemies: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Bosses, Super Mario Galaxy Bosses, Boomsday Machine, Bouldergeist, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Bugabo by.

Players that don't pay close attention to the environment and their surroundings will have a tough time beating their foes and locating the hard-to-reach stars. Many boss battles require the player to figure out the weaknesses of a given enemy, or ways in which to damage an enemy using the environment. Other than keeping their eyes peeled for hidden star locations, players also have to carefully control the timing of jumps, avoid incoming attacks, and determine the best way to solve puzzles and take down enemies. Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. In order to fully explore the game and find all the stars needed to progress, players will need to use a variety of power-ups. Furthermore, players who don't alternate their attack strategies will have trouble defeating Mario's larger foes. Some power-ups can heal lost life or enable new attacks, while others simply help Mario traverse the level in new ways. There are many power-ups to find, and each help players in a unique way. Both types of danglers have red strings attached, though the rare danglers also have keychains featuring the Super Mario Galaxy 2 logo. The rare danglers resemble a Digga and Twirlip.

The regular danglers resemble a Goomba, Octoboo, Boo, Jack O'Goomba, Whomp and Octoguy, respectively. Mario will collect different items and tools called "power-ups" throughout the game to aid him. Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Galaxies. All eight danglers are themed after the enemies in this game. This game is good for kids who need help with: FlexibilityĪdapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.